Illuminated manuscripts are hand-written books with painted decoration that generally includes precious metals such as gold or silver. The pages were made from animal skin, commonly calf, sheep, or goat. Illuminated manuscripts were produced between 1100 and 1600, with monasteries as their earliest creators. Reference: National Gallery of Art
Below are some examples and price guides of illuminated manuscripts which have a musical theme including a suffragette printed address with the signature of Emmeline Pankhurst and a leaf of a Gradual on vellum.

Illuminated printed address bearing the stamped signature of Emmeline Pankhurst (“E. Pankhurst”) presented to Elsie Duval; with another certificate
Sold for £2,295 inc. premium at Bonham’s in 2022

Workshop of Willem Vrelant
All Saints, miniature on a leaf from a Book of Hours, in Latin, illuminated manuscript on vellum [Bruges, c.1460]
An appealing miniature from a rich Book of Hours illuminated by an associate of Willem Vrelant.
133 x 96mm. The miniature opening a prayer to All Saints: ‘Sancti dei omnes in/tercedite’, verso with 16 lines of text in a French batarde and one illuminated initial, ruled space: 73 x 48mm (large initial on recto a little rubbed, minor losses of pigment to the sky). In a card window-mount. Provenance: Bonhams New York, 25 June – 8 July 2020, lot 24. A number of miniature leaves from the parent manuscript have appeared on the market: according to Abebooks, there are 4 leaves (with St Anthony, the Raising of Lazarus, St Desiderius, and St James) with Sanderus Antiquariat in Ghent, and a further leaf (St Erasmus) with Antiquariaat Meuzelaar in the Netherlands.
Sold for GBP 2,016 at Christie’s in 2022

[MANUSCRIPT ILLUMINATION] Two manuscript leaves.
The first a leaf on vellum from an antiphonal, with an historiated initial D of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. Likely Bohemia: mid-13th century. 15 1/2 x 11 3/4 inches (40 x 30 cm); 9 four-line with simple inhabited initials. In a double-sided frame; the second a leaf on vellum, also from an antiphonal, with a border of the evangelists. Likely a late Byzantine production (or possibly a pastiche): 16th century? 21 x 14 inches (53 x 35 cm) six staves. Framed.
Sold for $1,512 (includes buyer’s premium) at Doyle in 2021

Leaf from a Psalter and Prayerbook, with rabbits playing music and dancing in the margin, in Latin, opulently illuminated manuscript on parchment [Germany (probably Hildesheim, or vicinity), parent manuscript dated 1524]
Single leaf, with single column of 26 lines in a professional Germanic book hand, one-line initials in liquid gold or silver on blue or burgundy, three-line initials in same with gold floral sprays within their bodies, full border of realistic foliage and plant cuttings (including a large thistle) on dull gold ground, recto with three rabbits: one playing a hirtenschalmei (shepherd’s shawm) while another leads its companion into the dance, verso with a bird and a putto picking strawberries, small spots and stains, else excellent condition, 165 by 135mm.
Sold for £1,200 at Bloomsbury Auctions in 2022

Foster, Stephen C.
Leaf of a huge Gradual, illuminated manuscript on vellum [Italy (Ferrara), 15th century (second half)]
c.570×405mm, six lines of text and music in square notation on four-line red staves, the verso illuminated with a very large foliate initial ‘D’ and partial border introducing the Introit for the feast of John the Baptist (‘De ventre matris …’), with contemporary foliation ‘xxxviii’ in red ink in outer margin; minor cockling and minor staining at the edges, the gold with some flaking but the colours in good condition
Sold for 6,048 GBP at Sotheby’s in 2021