The artistic depictions of the Nativity or birth of Jesus, celebrated at Christmas, are based on the narratives in the Bible, in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, and further elaborated by written, oral and artistic tradition. The Nativity has been depicted in many different media, both pictorial and sculptural. Pictorial forms include murals, panel paintings, manuscript illuminations, stained glass windows and oil paintings. The subject of the Nativity is often used for altarpieces, many of these combining both painted and sculptural elements. Other sculptural representations of the Nativity include ivory miniatures, carved stone sarcophagi, architectural features such as capitals and door lintels, and free standing sculptures. Reference: Wikipedia
Below are some examples and price guides to Nativity musical / musical themed items including an illuminated manuscript leaf and a musical Nativity scene.

The Nativity, from an illuminated Gradual, single leaf, in Latin on vellum, with large illuminated opening initial “P” depicting the Holy family, ox and ass in the stable with angel and star above, the initial on a burnished gold background decorated with acanthus leaves and flourishes in green, blue, pinks and red, similar ornamentation in the upper margin, 10 lines of alternate text and music on four-line red staves, text on verso, one line of text oxidised with some loss, narrow strip (18mm.) of vellum added to head of leaf, 424 x 370mm., [?Bologna, early fifteenth century]; together with another incomplete leaf
Sold for £2,550 inc. premium at Bonham’s in 2022

21 Pieces. Large Italian Anri carved wood creche/ nativity scene, designed by Professor Karl Kuolt (German, 1879-1937), highlights include: (3) Wise Men, in gold and silver gilt costumes; (3) Holy family; (1) Gloria angel, lacking one arm; (1) shepherd with bagpipe; (1) manger; (1) structure containing original lighting and Reuge music box, approx 15.5″h, 24.25″w, 13″d; largest figure – approx 6″h; 11.25lbs
Sold for US$950 at Austin Auction Gallery in 2021

Thirty Piece Carved Wood Anri Nativity Set, 20th c., consisting of a large lighted manger with a windup music box, 2 Virgin Mary figures, 2 Joseph Figures, Baby Jesus, 2 goats, 2 donkeys, 8 Sheep, 6 wise men, 4 shepherds, and two angels , Some Pieces signed Roberto Dinardi
Sold for US$2,700 at Crescent City Auction Gallery in 2022